Families matter to God because YOU matter to God! We have compiled some resources to help both parents and children grow in Christ together. Whether your child is in preschool or you are a teenager or somewhere in between, we have something for you. Each area has a video, some discussion points for parents and an all around good time together! Click on the proper age and watch the video to learn more about Jesus!
What's available?
1. Video: a video lesson customized for your specific age range.
2. Parent Cue Guides: Easy-to-use guides with fun activities and discussion cues, so families can review the video presentations and talk about what to do with what they’ve learned.
3. God Time Cards: These are devotionals that will reinforce the content in the weekly video presentations.
4. Daily Devotional (Teens Only): Daily deovtional time with God helping you wrap your mind and heart about the main weekly point.